TD-1500Y, s:n 38255
1 Control System Fanuc 0Ti-TF (10.4″LCD monitor)
2 X/Y/Z Axis Stroke 155 +/- mm / 250mm (roller linear guides)
3 X/Y/Z Axis rapid traverse 30/15/30 m/min
4 Spindle motor 11/15 KW (Bar capacity dia 26mm)
5 Spindle speed 6.000 RPM
6 Spindle CS-axis index 0.001 degree positioning
7 Hydr. Hollow chuck 6’x 3 jaws
8 Power turret system 16 stations with BMT-55 turret disc (radial type)
9 Hydraulic unit for chuck with air cooler
10 Without tailstock
11 Standard splash guard
12 Electrical cabinet with heat exchanger
13 Coolant unit
14 Transformer (Power source 380 V)
15 Chip conveyor H=1100 mm with trolley (Chain type)
16 New PI machine panel cover design & color scheme.
17 Three color warning lamp
18 Swing panel
19 Fanuc warranty
20 Warning plates in German
Standard Accesoiries
Soft Jaws x 1 set
1 CE mark
2 Balance of spindle dia. 85mm with bar capacity dia. 44 mm
(Spindle speed 4.800 rpm with 8″ hydr. Hollow chuck x3 jaws.
3 Auto door in right side of machine for automation (non-CE)
4 High pressure coolant thru. turret (8 bar)
5 Coolant and air blor thru turret (by M-code)
6 Air gun